Monday, November 3, 2008

Headlines Quiz

I have a quiz on headlines today. Surprisingly, there is a lot of stuff that goes into assigning an article's headline: capitalization (proper nouns and decks), punctuation (quotation marks, semicolon or en dash?), accuracy (Live Dinosaur Captured! A gecko was caught on camera by Hawaii tourist Joe the Plumber. Boooooo), abbreviations, splits, ... etc.

Which reminds me ...
Early in the semester, Professor Stoll (prefers to be called by his first name, Michael) once mentioned one of the front pages of the San Fransisco Examiner. It was their Sept. 12, 2001 paper -- the day after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; It was one the most memorable of all the other national newspapers for that day. They kept the front page simple yet armed with a strong one-line hed and picture. With a vertical image of the skyscraper engulfed in flames and smoke, the headline above read "Bastards!" in bold, capitalized letters.

Here's an image archive of newspapers' front pages that were published in Sept. 12, 2001.

Have fun. Or not. OK back to work/school/studyingbleh

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