Monday, October 13, 2008

First blog post

In 1851, the New York Times began with an article on elections in France. A few decades later, an investigative article on South African blood diamonds covered the front page of the brand new L.A. Times, and details of a controversial trial made front page on the Washington Post's debut.

On MY blog's first post, a memorable highlight of the day is described in detail -- complete with pictures :]

Arriving from school, I spotted a lump of dark matter as I drove up the driveway. When I realized the string of who-knows-what at the time was actually the tail of a rat, I immediately told my brother to get out of the car and throw it away. I immediately told him not because of the gross factor but for the sake of our neighbors not having to spot a dead rat sprawled on our driveway in broad daylight. In addition, I was worried that our ghastly crooked and unpainted fence would attract trick-or-treaters with the dead rat in front of the garage door as if we planted it there on purpose to add some minuscule detail for a sadly unintentional Halloween decked-out house.

After taking a few pics, my dear little brother still did not come back outside to throw little Fievel away. I assumed the task, and used a plastic bag to dump him into the trash bin.

Now I'm wondering how he got there. Or she. Yea... maybe little Tanya got poisoned or something. Because why would a nocturnal rodent come out into the open during the day? It wasn't there this morning. Whatever the reason, its death added a little excitement to our day. Or to mine at least.

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