Monday, December 8, 2008

Photo project & Random Youtube

I know I haven't posted anything here for a while. Last semester projects/finals and Nathan, my cousin's son, have been occupying a lot of my energy and time lately. Alotta bloggy subjects have crossed my mind, buts I's jus lehzzay enn dun wanna talk bout em. N I's feelin sick.
Oh but my list of links on this blog has been growing. Things that interest me but maybe not you.

This is a Youtube video of a fan's tribute to Dreamwork's "Spirit" movie. But I only wanted to listen to the music. It's Teddy Greiger's cover of Phil Collins's "You'll be in my Heart." Yes, yes w.e. mannn everyone's heard it so many times. But I like Teddy Greiger's guitar playing. Too bad this cover sounds so much like the original one. hhhhaha...

Prof. Reed Estabrook named our final photo project "Big Brother" after a fictional character. I brrrieeeeefffly read the Wikipedia version of the novel's description, but I still don't fully understand it. It's like "V for Vendetta" but without any real protagonist/antagonist characters to follow. So anyways we had to take our photos in such a way that conveyed the feeling or attitude of surveillance. The examples he showed in class looked to me more like they were taken from a photostalker's SD card. After a few unsatisfactory attempts, my final (and procrastinated) project is now finished, printed and over with. Don't get me wrong or anything... learning to take better pictures is so much fun for me. I just don't like paying $40 for each print job. Without compensation at least.

1 comment:

  1. Niiice. That was for the series of 8 project right? I like.

